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Sires Hill

Primary Academy

Nursery Applications

Apply here for a place in Nursery


Please do read the information on this page before you start your application.




Sires Hill Primary Academy is a publicly funded Nursery. The admission number is 45 full time equivalent places for children aged between two and four years old.


Start dates

Our main intake is the start of the academic year (September), from which point we aim to reach capacity as quickly as possible for economic reasons. Once full for the academic year, space will only be available should there be a change to an existing place, e.g., a child leaves or once children reach the age that the ratios mean places arise.


We will admit 3 and 4-year-olds in the Autumn term in the first instance. Offers of places for the Spring and Summer terms will only be made if places are available throughout the year.


2-year-old places will be available for children starting in the Autumn term only and rising threes (children turning 3 before December 31st) will be prioritised (see oversubscription criteria).


The Nursery terms are as follows: Autumn Term: September 1st - December 31st Spring Term: January 1st - March 31st Summer Term: April 1st - August 31st.


There are 45 full time equivalent places in our nursery. A full time place = 30 hours and a part time place = 15 hours. We will offer a combination of full time and part time places depending on age and eligibility.


2 year old places (15 hours per week, 3 hours per day - 8:40 - 11:40 Monday - Friday)


3/4 year old places (15 hours per week; 3 hours per day, morning - 8:40 - 11:40, or afternoon - 12:30 - 3:30 Monday to Friday )


3/4 year old places (30 hours - Monday - Friday all day)


Deadline for Applications

To start in the Autumn Term - March 31st 

To start in the Spring Term - September 30th 

To start in the Summer Term - January 31st 


Offer dates

To start in the Autumn Term - June 1st 

To start in the Spring Term October 2nd

To start in the Summer Term-  February 1st 

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