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Sires Hill

Primary Academy

Religious Education

The RE curriculum at SHPA is based firmly on the Fundamental British Values of individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.


In our Early Years Foundation Stage, RE is discussion based learning about different celebrations and traditions throughout the year. The children have the opportunity to make items associated with the celebration and to share their own family traditions, to further enhance their understanding and engagement.


From Year 1 onwards, we take a multi-faith approach to different themes, such as Caring for Others, Ceremonies, Peace and Eternity. The children are encouraged to compare stories and traditions from a number of different religions within the theme, highlighting the similarities and differences.


In addition, throughout Key Stage 2 the children are given the opportunity to explore individual religions in depth (Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity and Humanism).


We encourage children to share their own experiences with their peers and celebrate the diversity of our school.


DPA example document provided below - SHPA version to follow

Be Kind, Be Brilliant