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Sires Hill

Primary Academy


Science at SHPA


Science is a very important feature of our curriculum and is taught weekly across the school.  

Science is often taught in a practical and hands on way. Pupils are taught scientific skills which they apply to experiments. The following investigative skills form an integral part of every child's education at Sires Hill Primary Academy: questioning, research and planning, predicting, observing and measuring, experimenting, analysing, explaining and evaluating.  We also like to enhance our science work by inviting in scientists to further our knowledge.  We have welcomed physicists from Rutherfords, and shows from Atomic Science and Bright Sparks.  We are also working with teachers from Abingdon School to further enhance our Science provision. Science is taught at least weekly, with some topic areas being science focused each year providing further opportunity to develop scientific skills and knowledge. 


Year 1:

Autumn 1: Everyday materials

Autumn 2: Humans

Spring: Seasonal Changes

Summer 1: Plants

Summer 2: Animals


Year 2:

Autumn 1: Humans

Autumn 2: Living things and their habitat

Spring 1: Uses of every day materials

Spring 2: Plants

Summer: Animals


Year 3: 

Autumn: Animals, including humans

Spring: Forces and Magnets

Summer 1: Plants

Summer 2: Light


Year 4:

Autumn 1: Animals, including humans

Autumn 2: Sound

Spring 1: States of matter

Spring 2: Living things and their habitat

Summer: Electricity


Year 5: 

Autumn 1: Forces

Autumn 2: Earth and Space

Spring: Animals including humans

Summer; Properties and changes of materials


Year 6:

Autumn:  Animals including humans.

Spring: Electricity

Summer 1: Light

Summer 2: Evolution and inheritance


Updated March 22

DPA documents are provided below - SHPA versions to follow:

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