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Sires Hill Primary Academy home page

Sires Hill

Primary Academy

Breakfast Club and After School Childcare

 Extended Early hours Club


There is not currently a breakfast club in operation, however we do offer 'Extended Hours' each morning.


Children can be dropped off at the earlier time of 8.15am where they are supervised, a member of the school staff in the studio ready for the school day. There is no food provided currently. There is a charge of £3 per day, and bookings must be made in advance. Children can access this provision once they are in a reception class or older.


After School Child Care


Our after school club provision is provided by Get Active.


Get Active have a proven track record of providing high quality extended hours care at our nearby Didcot Primary Academy school, where they also run a multisport club on a Thursday afternoon and holiday camps throughout the year. 


Currently, after school care is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  This provision is dependent on a minimum number of children attending.  There is a possibility of this provision increasing with parent demand. 


After school care runs from 3:30pm till 6pm.


Bookings can be made via their website Get Active at Sires Hill Primary Academy

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