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Sires Hill Primary Academy home page

Sires Hill

Primary Academy

Term 5- On the beach

Welcome to Reception!


Every week this page will be updated with information about what we have been doing for that week. There will be recaps of the learning, activities recommended to try at home, phonics videos to watch with your child and photographs of the children learning at school. We recommend that you check the website weekly and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask your child's class teacher.

Week 2

Week beginning 10.6.24

Reception have had a wonderful week despite the rainy weather. We had fun making some little surprises for the dads at home that you can enjoy on Father’s day! 


Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.



This week in maths, we have continued to build on our understanding of sharing - this time focusing on grouping. We made equal groups of 2 and progressed to make equal groups of other numbers. We used equipment such as counters to help us as well as drawing circles around equal groups.

Wider Curriculum 

In topic, we learned about seashore animals and their diet. We reviewed our learning from the previous term and used key words such as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We investigated rockpools and learned about what types of animals and plants lived there. We then designed our own. 

In PE, we explored jumping. We learned how to properly jump by bending our knees then tested our skills by jumping over different hurdles and also measuring how far we can jump.

In English, we recalled facts from the non-fiction book ‘Surprising sharks’ and then we read words to correctly label the body parts of a shark including dorsal fin and pelvic fin.


Our new Makaton sign this week was ‘to wait’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your time together as you celebrate Father’s day!

Week 1

Week beginning 3.6.24

What an amazing start to our final term of reception! It was jam packed with lots of new learning and filled with amazing memories. We began a brand new topic ‘On the beach’ and have started new units in both English and music.The highlight of the week was attending our school trip to Beale Wildlife Park. We saw loads of interesting animals, enjoyed learning about minibeasts, held some minibeasts, had a trip on a train and even had fun jumping on the bouncy pillow! It was such a great day and one we surely won't forget! Thank you again to all of our parent volunteers who came along. These trips really couldn’t happen without your support and myself and the rest of the Sires Hill Primary Academy team are very appreciative! 


Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.



This week in maths, we have explored sharing. We investigated what sharing is and we described equal sharing as fair and unequal sharing as unfair. We discussed how many objects there are altogether, how many groups and how many in each group. We used story books that relate to sharing and a range of scenarios such as a picnic to explore equal sharing.

Wider Curriculum 

We started our new topic, ‘On the Beach’. This week we discussed what we would take to the beach and things we need to stay safe in the sun, for example sun cream, a hat and water. The children enjoyed talking about their experiences of going to a beach. We also looked at different shells, we used adjectives to describe the look and feel of them and then did an observational drawing of shells. 

We also started our new book ‘Surprising Sharks’. This week we spoke about what a surprise is and whether they are always good. We made predictions about what we might find out in this book. 

In music we began a new unit ‘Slap, clap, clap’. We listened to waltz music and watched (and even tried out) some waltz dancing. We learned how to sing and use body percussion in ‘waltz time’ and learned about duration- long and short sounds.  


Our new Makaton sign this week was ‘good morning’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Be Kind, Be Brilliant