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Sires Hill Primary Academy home page

Sires Hill

Primary Academy

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Thank you for visiting our Class pages. Year 1 currently has one class:

Hedgehog class


Class Teacher: Miss Thompson-Lush

Other adults you will see: Miss Dean and Mrs Butterworth


Below you will find information about our class. Please do visit our page regularly, as we will be updating this with photos from our week.  

Staff are continuously assessing the children, ensuring that every child is gaining the experience and skills that they need to achieve successful outcomes at the end of Year 1 and in the phonics screening check. 

Hedgehog class will have PE on Mondays and Thursday. Please make sure you come to school dressed in your PE kit on that day. 

Reading books are changed on a Monday, though please bring in books everyday so that the children can be read with.


 Our timetable this term:

Be Kind, Be Brilliant