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Sires Hill

Primary Academy



At Sires Hill Primary Academy, we intend to expose children to a range of technology and its wide variety of uses. Units are based around computing systems and networks, creating media, programming, data and information. We follow lesson from ‘Teach Computing’, a scheme with full links to the national curriculum built around an innovative progression framework. Children have lessons every week and throughout the year work with i-pads, beebots and chrome books to develop their skills.



What to expect

Computing lessons begin with a clear learning intention and steps to success. Previous learning is recapped, and a clear explanation of specific terminology is then discussed. Sometimes during the main activity children are show how to use specific programs and other times they explore for themselves first. This could be anything from using computers to create artwork, make a podcast or design their own webpage. Children are then given a chance to implement their new learning before reflecting back on what they have learnt.  



Providing our pupils with high quality computing is something we pride ourselves with here at Sires Hill Primary Academy. As a result, we have seen high levels of engagement from the children and a large progression in their computing skills. Many children achieve the expected standard for computing. We have also implemented a ‘digital council’ where children organise school events such as internet safety day, monitor the care of equipment and impart knowledge to support the younger children.

Long Term Plan

Brief overview of projects

Year group





technology used in continuous provision


technology used in continuous provision

Year 1

Computer Systems and Networks - Technology around us Recognising technology in school and using it responsibly.

-Internet safety

-practise logging in

Chrome books

Creating Media - Digital painting

Choosing appropriate tools in a program to create art, and making comparisons with working non-digitally

Completed on IPads

Programming A - Moving a robot

 Writing short algorithms and programs for floor robots, and predicting program outcomes.



 Data and Information - Grouping data Exploring object labels, then using them to sort and group objects by properties.


Chrome books



Creating Media Digital writing

Using a computer to create and format text, before comparing to writing non-digitally.

Chrome books



Programming B - Programming animations

Designing and programming the movement of a character on screen



Year 2

Computer Systems and Networks - Information technology around us

Identifying IT and how its responsible use improves our world in school and beyond

-Internet safety

-practise logging in

Chrome books

Creating Media - Digital photography

Capturing and changing digital photographs for different purposes.




Programming A - Robot algorithms

Creating and debugging programs, and using logical reasoning to make predictions.


Data and Information Pictograms

Collecting data in tally charts and using attributes to organise and present data on a computer.


Ipads   Chrome books

Creating Media Digital music

Using a computer as a tool to explore rhythms and melodies, before creating a musical composition.

Chrome books

Programming B - Programming quizzes

Designing algorithms and programs that use events to trigger sequences of code to make an interactive quiz


Year 3

Computer Systems and Networks - Connecting computers Identifying that digital devices have inputs, processes, and outputs, and how devices can be connected to make networks.

Ipads   Chrome books


ating Media - Desktop publishing

Creating documents by modifying text, images, and page layouts for a specified purpose

Chrome books

Programming A - Sequencing sounds

Creating sequences in a block-based programming language to make music

Chrome books

 Data and Information Branching databases

Building and using branching databases to group objects using yes/no questions

Chrome books

Creating Media Stop-frame animation Capturing and editing digital still images to produce a stop-frame animation that tells a story.


Programming B - Events and actions in programs Writing algorithms and programs that use a range of events to trigger sequences of actions.

Chrome books

Year 4

Computer Systems and Networks - The internet

Recognising the internet as a network of networks including the WWW, and why we should evaluate online content.


 Chrome books

Creating Media - Audio production

Capturing and editing audio to produce a podcast, ensuring that copyright is considered.

Ipads   Chrome books


Using garageband to record and edit

Programming A - Repetition in shapes

 Using a text-based programming language to explore count-controlled loops when drawing shapes

Chrome books

Data and Information Data logging

Recognising how and why data is collected over time, before using data loggers to carry out an investigation.

Chrome books

Creating Media Photo editing

Manipulating digital images, and reflecting on the impact of changes and whether the required purpose is fulfilled.

Ipads   Chrome books

Programming B - Repetition in games

 Using a block-based programming language to explore count-controlled and infinite loops when creating a game.

Chrome books

Year 5

Computer Systems and Networks - Systems and searching Recognising IT systems in the world and how some can enable searching on the internet.

Chrome books

Creating Media - Video production

Planning, capturing, and editing video to produce a short film



Using IMovie

Programming A - Selection in ph

ysical computing Exploring conditions and selection using a programmable microcontroller.

Chrome books

Micro Bits

Data and Information Flat-file databases Using a database to order data and create charts to answer questions.

Chrome books

Creating Media Introduction to vector graphics Creating images in a drawing program by using layers and groups of objects.

Chrome books

Programming B - Selection in quizzes

Exploring selection in programming to design and code an interactive quiz

Chrome books

Year 6

Computer Systems and Networks - Communication and collaboration

 Exploring how data is transferred by working collaboratively online

Chrome books

Creating Media - Webpage creation

Designing and creating webpages, giving consideration to copyright, aesthetics, and navigation.

Chrome books




Creating Media 3D modelling

Planning, developing, and evaluating 3D computer models of physical objects.

Chrome books


Completed in Autumn 2

Using TinkerCAD

Programming A - Variables in games

Exploring variables when designing and coding a game.

Chrome books

Data and Information Introduction to spreadsheets Answering questions by using spreadsheets to organise and calculate data

Chrome books

Programming B - Sensing movement

Designing and coding a project that captures inputs from a physical device

Chrome books Microbits




Be Kind, Be Brilliant