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Sires Hill Primary Academy home page

Sires Hill

Primary Academy


Welcome to Pre-school!


Thank you for visiting our Pre-school page. Below you will find information about life in Ducklings class and home learning activities. 


Welcome to Ducklings Class

Nursery Teacher: Miss Savannah Hopkins-Simon

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Lucy Roberts



We have a busy year planned, filled with amazing opportunities and experiences to support all children with their learning and development!


In Pre-school, we have a wide curriculum looking at the seven areas of learning:


-Communication and language

-Physical Development



-Understanding the World

-Expressive Art and Design


Our weekly and daily plan is heavily influenced by the lines of enquiry that the children are interested in pursuing.

Staff are continuously assessing the children, ensuring that every child is gaining the experience and skills that they need, to ensure successful outcomes and to prepare them for school.


Daily essentials that are needed in Pre-school

  • A clearly named water bottle
  • A named bag containing spare clothes
  • A packed lunch in a named lunch bag or box (only for children staying all day)
  • Please ensure that packed lunches do not contain any nuts or nut products, including Nutella
  • Named outdoor clothing
  • Named wellies


Below you will find our daily timetable and our termly topic pages where you can find out more information about what we are learning, as well as seeing what we have been getting up to!


The afternoon sessions follow the same order, starting at 12.30pm.



Be Kind, Be Brilliant