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Sires Hill

Primary Academy

Family Support

Family Support at Sires Hill Primary Academy

School Health Nurse Newsletters

Citizens Advice Oxfordshire South & Vale (Didcot)


CAMHS school in reach team

The School In-Reach team is holding several webinars for parents over the coming year. These awareness sessions contain useful information about how to support your child with some of the commonly seen emotional and mental health concerns.

These are part of our early intervention offer and therefore may not be suitable for parents of young people with more complex or established needs.

The webinar format allows parents to join from home. Cameras and microphones will be off, but questions can be asked through the Q&A function. Please note these sessions cannot be recorded for copyright purposes, but handouts can be sent on afterwards.

Please register for the webinar you wish to attend using the links below. If you have any difficulties with the links please contact Single Point of Access on 01865 902 515.


Each month a different topic is explored within a non-judgemental space. It is a virtual meeting where you can keep your camera off should you wish to remain anonymous to others. 


To join (camera can be turned off and you can remain anonymous to others attending) contact WWYoxon@oxfordhealth.nhsuk


Follow this link for more information

Participation in Oxfordshire | Oxford Health CAMHSOxford Health CAMHS


Mental health professionals from CAMHS are present and on hand for support.

If you would like to attend, but do not have access to a computer, contact us and we can discuss how we can support with this. 


Youth in mind

Youth in mind is a publication to children's mental health services in Oxfordshire. It is a partnership between Oxfordshire mind and Oxfordshire youth and contains a place to highlight existing services. 


Youth in Mind Directory 


Devices and Technology

CEOP - Support and advice on talking about e-safety to children

Jessie & Friends online safety for 4-7's

Play, Like, Share online safety for 8-11's


NSPCC - Keeping children safe online

Online safety guides


Internet Matters

Parental Control Guides

Digital Family Toolkit

Online Safety Advice By Age

Common Online Safety Issues


BBFC - Film Ratings Guide

A site to help inform you about any film you are considering watching with your child. Type in the title and it will provide key information about the reasons for the fulm classification, simple plot information and more specific details (including spoilers) to help you reach an informed decision on if a film is appropriate to watch with your children.


Screen Time Guide for Families

Local Support

SOFEA community larder

Membership to the community larder is a way of saving on your food shop. It is a membership programme that provides weekly food for a very small membership fee. 

See the link below if you would like to know more.

Better Housing, Better Health

Better Housing Better Health is here to help keep residents warm and well at home and improve the energy efficiency of their homes. They provide a single point of contact to get impartial expert advice to help improve the energy efficiency of their home, save money and improve comfort.


Oxfordshire Residents Support Scheme

The Resident Support Scheme will help with short-term basic living costs such as food and credit for gas/electric prepayment meters. It can also help in some circumstances with white goods, furniture and clothing. It is intended to meet one-off crisis or emergency need and is not designed to meet any type of ongoing expenses.



Helpful contacts if you need any support


  • Children's Social Care Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH team) -0345 050 7666 
  • NSPCC - 0808 800 5000
  • Childline - 0800 1111
  • Samaritans- 116123
  • CALM- 0800585858
  • Shout (text service) - 85258
  • Papyrus Hopeline- 0800 068 4141
  • No Panic - 08449 674848
  • Camhs Oxfordshire - Child and adult mental health services SPA- 01865 902 515 or Website-
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline / Refuge- 0808 2000 247
  • Cruse Bereavement Support - 0808 808 1677#
  • Samaritans - Text- 116 123

  • Citizens Advice - 0808 278 7907
Be Kind, Be Brilliant