School Policies
School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. If you would like a paper copy of any policy - or any information on the website- do ask at the office.
- SHPA Administering Medicines Policy
- SHPA Anti-bullying Policy
- SHPA Arson Prevention Policy
- SHPA Attendance Policy
- SHPA Behaviour Policy
- SHPA Blended Learning Policy
- SHPA Charging and Remissions Policy
- SHPA Collective Worship Policy
- SHPA EAL Policy.pdf
- SHPA Educational Visits Policy
- SHPA Equality Statement and Objectives
- SHPA E-Safety Policy
- SHPA Exclusion Policy
- SHPA Feedback and Marking Policy
- SHPA First Aid Policy
- SHPA Infection Control Policy
- SHPA Intimate Care Policy
- SHPA Looked After Children Policy
- SHPA Lost Child and Uncollected Child Policy
- SHPA Parental Use of Social Networking and Internet Sites Policy
- SHPA RSE and PSHE Policy
- SHPA Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures
- SHPA SEND Policy
- SHPA SMSC and British Values Policy
- SHPA Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy
- SHPA Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
- SHPA Teaching and Learning Policy
- SHPA Three Year Accessibility Plan
- SHPA Travel Policy
- SHPA Uniform Policy
- SHPA Visitors and Visiting Speakers Policy
- SHPA Volunteer Policy